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Solar energy is a sustainable way to replace electricity in your homes. Even though it does not take you completely off the electricity grid, it can help you save on your utility bills. Florida Solar Poweris quite beneficial for powering simple appliances at home. If your solar panels produce excess energy, you can save the power for future use. This simple guide will help you understand how you can do so.

Why is Solar Power Storage Necessary?

The availability of solar power is dependent on the presence of the sun. Solar energy is not available at night or on days when the sky is overcast or rainy. On the other hand, some sunny days can produce a lot of solar energy that cannot be exhausted in such a short span. These issues lead to a mismatch between the production and consumption of solar energy. You can solve this problem by opting for energy storage. Storing energy is vital for preventing the wastage of power generated from the panels. At the same time, it can help you fuel your appliances during power cuts or on days when solar energy is unavailable.

How to Store Solar Power at Home?

The simplest way to store solar power is by using a battery. Home batteries are beneficial for storing clean energy and helping you replace non-renewable energy in your homes. The main steps involved in solar power storage are as follows.

  • Solar panels have exposure to the sun. As a result, they can capture the energy from the heat and light of the sun. Using photovoltaic cells, they can transform it into a renewable form of power.
  • This process helps produce direct current (DC). Then, this DC turns into alternating current (AC) with the help of an inverter. The AC is vital for fueling the operations of various appliances.
  • The excess energy that remains unused by your household appliances can be used to charge the home battery that you have. At times when solar power generation is not possible, this battery can help you power your home appliances.

Understanding the Operations of Home Batteries with Solar Panels

Solar panels often come with the facility of net metering. The net metering system helps connect the solar panels to the electricity grid where excess energy can be stored. When you need more energy than what is available, you can derive excess energy from the grid. Therefore, solar power users can gain credits for adding excess solar energy to the grid. However, if you want to store power directly in your home, a battery is the best way to go. A battery can be charged and kept ready for emergency use. During crises or inclement weather conditions, the sunlight can become unavailable, or the grid may face an outage. In such scenarios, a home battery for storage can help you access adequate power to continue your day-to-day operations at home. Now that you know how easy it is to store and use solar power at home, you should consider opting for this renewable source today! You can take the help of Sun-Tec Solar & Roofing for setting up your solar power system if you haven’t already.

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